Guitarmaker Issue 67

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Front Cover

Murray Kuhn

From the Director

Alton Acker

Murray Kuhn: A Broad Approach to Lutherie

Alton Acker, Murray Kuhn


Katherine Berks, Alton Acker, Dennis Merrill, Amy NLM

Restoration of a 1920 Dyer Style 7 Harp Guitar Part I

Don Druckenbrodt

Note: part 2 is in issue 72!

The Fledgling Luthier: Having a Fit

Jack Clark

ASIA Symposium 2009

Bear Acker

Guitar Technology

Ian Noyce

Fledgling Luthier Showcase: Christ Kacoyannakis

Jack Clark

The Mandolin Project

Jack Clark

Finish Sealers

Brian Boedigheimer

Adventures in Luthierie

Alton Acker

“ASIA is an organization where you not only grow your skills, but grow your extended family. I have met so many wonderful, knowledgeable people through this organization.” ~Michael Dickinson, Martin Guitar