Guitarmaker Issue 105

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Front Cover
Gary Dusina
A resonator guitar by Gary Dusina. See page 13 for part 2 of the construction article started in Guitarmaker 104.
guitar, resophonic
From the Director
Alton Acker
Acker sarts preparing for Symposium 2019
French Polishing Workshop, Part 2
David LaPlante
A transcription of the second half of LaPlante’s lecture at the 2017 symposium. If you are interested in french polishing, you won’t want to miss this and the previous part 1 (Guitarmaker 104). With 5 photos.
Building a Resonator Guitar: The Process
Gary Dusina
Dusina helps us finish up making our own resonator guitar in part 2 of this article. With 55 photos. (Part 1 is in Guitarmaker 104)
guitar, resophonic
Gila Eban
Eban argues with the content of Jamie Aulson's letter in Guitarmaker 103.
Bell System Adventures
Gila Eban
Eban regales readers with a tale of what it was like as a luthier apprentice in the 1970's when even sandpaper could be a cause for great excitement.
The European Guitar Show
Evan Gluck
Gluck procrastinates for a couple paragraphs, then launches into his exciting trip to the European Guitar Show and learning about the European Guitar Builders Guild. He then puts forth a recommendation for ASIA to retry including a guitar show in conjunction with the symposium. With 4 photos.
symposium; sales
Getting Ready for Bracing
Bill Sterling
Sterling continues building his guitar, now he gets ready for the bracing. With 9 potos.
Leveling Frets Like the Plek Machine
Barry Lipman
Lipman details his method for leveling frets while the neck is under string tension. With 10 photos.