Guitarmaker Issue 93

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Front Cover

Bill Brown

Frank Ford, the quiet-demeanored gun-slinger of instrument repair.

From the Director

Alton Acker

Bear and Tina Acker celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary; Dan Erlewine shares a reprinted article on the ASIA symposium from Vintage Guitar Magazine; Acker sums up the 2015 symposium in one paragraph. With 2 Photos.

Images from the 2015 ASIA Symposium

Alton Acker, Bill Brown, Nadine Nichols, Tom Morrissey, Stan VanDruff

Symposium 2015 celebrated with 152 photos of the workshops, vendors, speakers, auction and after-hours shenanigans.


Great Tips for Guitar Wiring

Evan Gluck

Like the title says, Gluck gives some great tips on wiring guitars and how to make money when you do it.


The Best Guitar Building Class Ever

Elaine Hartstein

A fictitious student builds a fictitious guitar at a fictitious class. Humor. No photos (obviously)!

school; humor

Lutherie at Home

Mark Young

Young details his conversion of an under-stairs closet to a humidity-controlled guitar-storage space. With 6 photos and 1 drawing.

Book Review: The Granada School for Guitar-Makers

Jack C. Clark

Clark reviews this 305-page Spanish and English text on the history of guitarmaking in Granada. With 1 photo.


Inventing the American Guitar

Jack C. Clark

Clark reviews this 289-page history of American guitar innovations by C.F. Martin and his contemporaries. With 1 photo.


Scraping Fretboards

Nate Clark

When doing a refret, Clark prefers to scrape (rather than sand) the surface of the fretboard. He gives his reasons and his procedures. With 21 step photos.


Quick Tip

Mark Young

Young shows a simple way to trim fret tangs with a Dremel, a cut-off wheel, and a simple shop-made router base for the Dremel. With 3 photos.

tools, jig; tools, shop-built

“ASIA is an organization where you not only grow your skills, but grow your extended family. I have met so many wonderful, knowledgeable people through this organization.” ~Michael Dickinson, Martin Guitar