Guitarmaker Issue 76

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Front Cover

Ervin Somogyi

Intricate back of Ervin Somogyi’s Guitar “Andamento”

From the Director

Alton Acker

Matt Umanoff provides the correct answer for the mystery luthier pictured in the last issue, Acker corrects the author of tool terminology in a previous issue, and talks about how he got started in guitar making. With 1 photo.


Ladder to X-Brace Conversion

Sam Michael

Michael converts a 1920s parlor guitar from ladder bracing to x bracing to see how that would affect the sound. Read the article to find out what he found out. With 26 photos.

repair; bracing; guitar, parlor

The Story of the Jill Marshall Guitar

Tom Weldon

Weldon, the customer for Michael's parlor guitar conversion tells the story of the guitar from the client's perspective. With 1 photo.

repair; bracing; guitar, parlor

Blues Creek Summer Bash

John Kitchen

John Hall, proprieter of Blues Creek Guitar, hosted a learning gathering at his warehouse in Pennsylvania. Kitchen, well familiar with Blues Creek products, gives us his impression of the event. With 13 photos.


Planes Over, Under, Sideways, Down

Ivon Schmukler

Schmuckler enlightens readers about the various planes he uses in the guitar making shop. With 10 photos.

tools, hand

Some New Products for the Fledgling and Seasoned Luthier

Jack Clark

Clark reviews the usefulness of a number of products including a vacuum nozzle, a contour gage, left-hand calipers, and new masking tape from LMII. With 5 photos.


Fledgling Luthier Showcase

Jack Clark

The work of Daniel Kabanuck. With 4 photos.

Surgery of a Broken Headstock

Alain Moisan

Moisan details his headstock repair on an interesting classical guitar by José Jacopi. With 20 photos.


Vintage Les Paul Restoration Part 2

Erick Coleman

In this issue, Coleman wraps up the fretboard restoration of this vintage guitar. Part 1 is in Issue 75. With 25 photos.

repair; guitar, electric

Salmon Spruce

Bill Tippin

Tippin shows and describes a rare form of lake salvage sunken wood that comes from aged crates used to keep salmon alive in the water. With 2 photos.


The Andamento Guitar

Ervin Somogyi

The story of Somogyi's guitar on the cover of this issue. With 2 additional photos.

guitar, acoustic

ASIA Code of Ethics

Grit Laskin

The evolution of Mya-Moe Ukuleles

Jack Clark

Gordon and Char Mayer, owners of Mya-Moe Ukuleles, describe their use of the internet to to serve their customers. With 6 photos.

ukulele; business

“ASIA is an organization where you not only grow your skills, but grow your extended family. I have met so many wonderful, knowledgeable people through this organization.” ~Michael Dickinson, Martin Guitar