Website Status
Your are looking at the new ASIA website. It still needs a lot of polish, even after 140 hours of work. But here are some of the updates you can use today:
- Color scheme and typography is more modern.
- Menus have been streamlined, making it easier to find what you want.
- Site works well on desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.
- Member galleries have a new, modern look.
- 20 book/video/tool review articles have been published for members to read online.
- 54 Guitarmaker magazines have been turned into PDFs for members to read online. (If an issue isn't in the list, it is not yet online.)
- 405 photographs have been enlarged and enhanced, creating emphasized photography throughout.
- Homepage news articles are being published regularly.
- You can find links to three of our long-time friends in the sidebar.
- ASIA's new Pinterest boards can be accessed from our home page and pins are added regularly.
- Commercial programs that underpin the site are now the latest versions.
- HTTPS is implemented for greater security.
- We upgraded to the new, simplified CAPTCHA on the contact form.
And here are some of the known shortcomings:
- Pinterest and Facebook widgets work poorly on touch devices.
- We still have to convert 46 Guitarmaker magazines to PDF.
- Photography is not optimized for download speed.
- The new store is incomplete.
- The member geo-locating feature is incomplete.
- Two posts that have links to back issues insist that you log in -- even though non-members are permitted to see all but the PDFs (menus work fine, though).
- Guitarmaker issue 25 does not have a cover photo.
If you see any other problems, or have any comments, please get in touch.