Guitarmaker Issue 130

issue 130 cover thumbnail

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Front Cover

Glenn LaSalle's Vintage Inspired L-2

1930 Gibson L2 Guitar Top & Bracing

Glenn LaSalle

Hosco Gauges Pull Saws

David Hanna

Bellied top on a Pre-War D28

John Hall, Blues Creek Guitars

A Bandsaw for the Fledgling Luthier

Bill Sterling

Guitarmaker Is Now All-Digital

As of April 2021, Guitarmaker Magazine is no longer being printed on paper. It is only available here on the website as a PDF. The latest issue will be featured on the home page, or you can always visit the Back Issues page.

Trouble Logging In?

If you are having trouble logging in, please make sure you have paid your dues for the current year. The site will let you change your password, but if you are not currently a paid member, you will still not be able to login.

All Guitarmaker Back Issues Now Available as PDF

Back issues of Guitarmaker magazine hold a treasure of valuable information for our members. We worked hard to convert them to PDF and we are pleased to announce that they are now all online!

example back issue page

Use the menu item Magazine/Back Issues to access a list of every Guitarmaker magazine published. Click a link in that list and you will get a cover photo, table of contents, abstracts of contained articles, and (if you are logged in) a link to view the PDF just below the issue number.

Remember that these PDFs are copyrighted material and are only for members in good standing. Please don’t share.

Write for ASIA

Most Guitarmaker articles are written by our members and readers. New voices and new articles are welcome immediately. Please contact Mike Wendt with your photos, articles, or ideas.

“ASIA is an organization where you not only grow your skills, but grow your extended family. I have met so many wonderful, knowledgeable people through this organization.” ~Michael Dickinson, Martin Guitar